SAP License Management
Handle SAP licensing with confidence
SAP applications are among the most highly valued and widely used in many organizations. Companies like yours risk costly and unplanned expenses if you don’t know the exact number of SAP users you have and where, how the systems are being used and what license types are utilized, even after you submit the required license administration workbench (LAW) data to SAP.
Gain control of your SAP licensing
Usage data across all SAP systems
Accurately budget for future needs
License requirements become a moving target as your organization evolves. Flexera provides you with SAP usage information and analyzes user behavior based on several factors, including SAP transactions, authorization roles and module usage. This allows your organization to accurately predict future SAP license needs and avoid unbudgeted surprises.

Indirect usage insights
Identify and optimize indirect usage
Indirect usage is an increasingly high priority for many organizations as SAP continues to perform audits related to this model. The financial risk can be significant and costly. With Flexera, you can discover instances of indirect access and optimize the license requirements for users of non-SAP systems.
Simplify the true-up process
Preparing for SAP true-ups—creating the LAW report and sending it to SAP—can be an exhausting process. With Flexera, your organization can:
- Minimize the effort it takes to prepare for a true-up or audit by automating the collection and processing of named user usage and package licensing data
- Reclassify users based on their actual usage, eliminating duplicate users and reclaiming unused licenses
- Determine ongoing package license consumption and avoid unbudgeted true-up surprises for these licenses

With Snow Software offering us a nearly real-time view of our license portfolio, we can constantly monitor our license arrangements to ensure that we never overspend on licenses that we don’t need.
Nico Fleisch, License Manager EDEKA DIGITAL
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
8 Ways to Reduce Spending on SAP
Organizations across the world spend millions on their SAP® systems, typically increasing their license expenditure every year. The processes and solutions to control and limit this upward curve represent huge cost saving opportunities. Industry Analysts state that enterprises who mature their SAM processes and use tools to focus on license optimization typically report up to 30% in spending reductions within one year. They also enable the SAP team to spend less time on license administration and turn their focus to mission-critical tasks.
The New Era of SAP Cloud Subscriptions
The era of on-premises software solutions is ending as many software vendors — including SAP — are changing their business models to cloud and subscription options only. Who can blame them? Cloud and subscription models are much more lucrative than old-fashioned on-premises solutions, and they bring in more mid- and long-term profits.
Flexera helps Northern Trust manage software publishers
Northern Trust’s Jeffrey West discusses how his organization uses Flexera-discovered license inventory data to provide effective license positions to publishers that is accurate and trustworthy, avoiding adversarial audit relationships.
Case Study
Sasol drives sustainable growth via $34M cost savings
Sasol, an eco-conscious South African petrochemical business, delivers $34 million in savings/cost avoidance with Spend Optimizer.
How to view and optimize your SAP licensing costs
Case Study
EDEKA DIGITAL saves millions on SAP® licenses
EDEKA DIGITAL saves €6.2 million in software license costs and reduces audit prep time with Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.
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