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Image: AdminStudio Editions Comparison Chart

AdminStudio provides enterprise IT teams with the most advanced application packaging tools to efficiently prepare reliable packages for software deployment with a complete set of automated MSI packaging, customization, testing and reporting capabilities. Proven in benchmark tests to decrease application preparation time by up to 70%.

AdminStudio is available in three editions to meet specific requirements of different customers:

Standard Edition is for basic software packaging of one application at a time.  This is the right solution for application packagers and engineers that need to convert any setup into pure Windows Installer package or create transforms to customize windows installer packages. Organizations that use this version have a smaller IT department and a limited number of applications that they manage. See Application Readiness Maturity: Level 1 – Basic Packaging

Professional Edition is the right solution for bigger businesses with more applications under management.  Desktop management teams can execute a broad range of quality, conflicts, and best practice tests, manage and remediate issues, and monitor overall status of the application portfolio. By following consistent standards and establishing a central repository, organizations improve quality and consistency of application deployments to reduce support costs.

Enterprise Edition is the best solution for large businesses with a complex application estates that need to automate continual Application Readiness and increase efficiency and productivity of delivering applications to employees.  Powerful PowerShell APIs enable task automation of higher-level processes that greatly increases the efficiency and productivity of a larger more diverse IT staff. In addition, reporting and dashboards facilitate better decision support for choosing the best application technology for employees.  See Application Readiness Maturity: Level 4 – Change Ready.

Use this AdminStudio Edition comparison chart to select the right edition your your application needs.

AdminStudio Editions